
Jakarta (Interviews in Indonesian with English subtitles)

Lies Marcoes Natsir is the director of RUMAH KITA BERSAMA (Rumah KitaB), a research institute for policy advocacy to fight for the rights[ more]

Rizki Amalia Affiat is the co-founder of InteGRAL (Intersectional Gender Research Advocacy and Learning), a research and advocacy group[…read more]

Dr. Amanah Nurish is an anthropologist and ethnographer who has worked as a research lead for the United Nations Development […read more]

Wiwin Rohmawati is the founder of the women interfaith community Srikandi Lintas Iman in Yogyakarta. […read more]

Dr Baskara T. Wardaya SJ is a historian and Jesuit priest. He teaches history, religion, politics and cultural studies at Sanata Dharma University […read more]

Fanny Syariful Alam used to be a contributor of PeaceGeneration Indonesia, and the Regional Coordinator of a young community of peace activists […read more]

Dr Ferdiansyah Thajib is a member of KUNCI Study Forum & Collective, Yogyakarta Indonesia. KUNCI is a non-disciplinary research […read more]

Papang Hidayat is an independent human rights consultant and researcher based in Jakarta. He achieved a Master of Arts in Human Rights Theory and […read more]

Brother NuKe completed a Master’s degree in Theology (M.Th.) with a focus on Pastoral Counselling at STT Bethel Indonesia […read more]

Berlin (Interviews in German)